Mike Kleineberg, CA
Our 25 year old septic system was in total failure.Replacement quotes given to us ranged from $30-$40,000.We decided to try the Bio Safe One products.Spoke with Chris who set us up with a nuclear shock treatment consisting of Bio 112 sludge remover,Boss powder packs, Bio Cube Powder Cleaner and 1 Bio Cube Red Brick Cleaner.Easily applied products! Within the first month the system had improved so dramatically!No more effluent backing up and the smell that had always lingered around our tank is gone!We had an area of standing water above our leach field which has now totally dried up.At month 4 we have a totally functional septic system.All we do now is add 1 powder pack per month to maintain the health of our system.At 1/5 the cost of a new septic system Bio Safe One has rescued our system.
Rick Wagner, North Carolina
We had septic problems, had to shut down our Airbnb, and would have to cut down most of our trees to install a new septic leach field for $50-70 thousand. Bought this and other Bio-Safe products and listened to Chris , the Bio-Safe rep. Long story short, but explained in the video, we improved out leach field significantly in less than 2 months. This product works!!!

Patrick Turner, Michigan
My five person family lives in a 3000 ft.² home with 3 ½ bathrooms. We live on a lake on a very small lot therefore only have room for a 1000 gallon septic tank (installed in the 1950s) with one 1200 gallon drywell that was installed new in approximately 1987. We started having problems with the septic system about 2010 with slow draining and inability to keep up with the load coming from the house.
During that time the only answer was frequent pumping the tanks and use of a powder product called septic 2000 (which didn't work). By mid 2012 the system had completely failed with almost no drainage. The following spring there was 10" of ice in the top of the septic tank when we opened the tank to pump it. I was looking at a $25,000 engineered septic installation to replace the failed system. I knew this because my daughter works as a civil engineer designing septic systems. Through her contacts and recommendations from the company I use for pumping my tanks I learned about Biosafe in late 2012. I worked with Chris Jorgensen, from Biosafe, who explained everything, gave me some reference, and made recommendations. I ordered the 11 pale deep shock system for less than 1/5th the cost of the new engineered system. By early summer of 2013 I was ready to put the system into action.
I followed Chris's very detailed instructions over three weeks including previously to treatment, pumping tanks, waiting for system to start to fill, only using approved products, single ply toilet paper, etc. As well as following similar instruction after the treatment was finished including distributing doing laundry over the week and not all at one time, etc. Well, it worked!!! A completely failed septic system came back and has been working flawlessly for the last 5 years! I could not be happier. The system delivered exactly as promised.
Now, in 2018, I have decided that in the spring I will treat the system with a Maintenance treatment, not because there are any signs of a problem, because I open the dry well and fluid levels are at the perfect 3ft mark (I have a measuring stick) and the septic tank level is exactly where it should be at just below the tank exit elbow.
These products are as close to magic as it comes and I highly recommend their use for aging, slowing, and yes, even failed systems. I am living proof that is works, and with proper care (BOSS powder once a month for last five years, and using proper products) it is a solution that lasts! I now believe that septic systems can be maintain to last and last. My very small system is now 30 years old and doing fine!
Andrew (Drew) Smith - Realtor York, Pennsylvania
If you have a mushy or over saturated septic field you need this product. I'm a Realtor® & I suggest this product & the Bio Safe One BOSS product to my sellers who have septic field issues. This product saved me from having to invest $30,000 on a new septic system at my home... & the local sewage enforcement officer was TRYING TO FAIL my system because he thought it was just too old! Thanks to this product he couldn't - my septic system was performing so well... the S.E.O. was stunned (& frustrated!). Thank you Bio-Safe One! I will continue to purchase your product & recommend you to my clients and customers.
Here is what I wrote Chris:
Hey Chris,
I was sitting here on the 4th of July and thought about emailing you to let you know know that all worked out great… and there was an email from you on 6/20/18 asking how things went… that’s because you’re a nice guy. Sorry you keep going into my spam folder. So here’s what happened. The SEO guy came out and TRIED to fail my system… no joke! He kept saying - this tank and system are soooo old - how can this thing still be working??!!! He kept saying it over and over again. The front yard is hard as a rock! So awesome! I keep telling my wife and kids, “Our septic passed! Our septic passed!” They keep saying to to me, “Yeah dad - we know.” They have understanding of how cool it is to NOT have to spend $30,000 and how nice it is to NOT have what looks like a dead elephant buried in our front yard and how AWESOME it was for the SEO to be UNABLE to fail my system. It was so awesome. NOW. Listen. When I run into buyers and seller who need help with their septic systems I have your name, I have your email and I have your number. PLEASE put me on your email tickler system, text me or email me every once in a while, give me a call every once in a while. I WILL have business to forward to you. Finally, I have a minor question. If I was out with soap and water the white plastic 5 gallon buckets the bio-safe one shipped in - would it be safe for me to fill it with water and water my chickens with it? Would there be any residue that would be harmful to chickens to drink water from the bucket? Just curious as I’d like to use the buckets for watering the chickens instead of just throwing the buckets away. THANKS CHRIS! I’m a very happy camper sir. Take care and happy 4th of July! GO TRUMP!!! :)))
Pete Simmering, Texas
From the very beginning in May of 2001 the septic system at our home southeast of Vernon, TX gave me trouble. It was constantly backing up and being pumped out. I had previous experience with septic systems and knew they could and should operate correctly. I went so far as to have a new leach field installed. No fix lasted for very long with this system. Fast forward six years and I finally solved the problem, but I thought it was too late to save the system. The exit drain didn't have a 'stinger' above the water line and was allowing paper and sludge to fill the drain field. I began looking online and researching what to do short of replacing the entire system. That's when I came across Bio-Safe One. I was impressed with their claims, the science and their testimonials for the products. Expensive? Yes, but not nearly as expensive as a new system. In March of 2007 I purchased two pails of Bio 112 and a supply of BOSS. I followed the directions and within a month or so I started seeing results. Water level in the tank stayed static, water began to clear and the system began to heal and work as it was designed. Shortly after that I sold the house and explained to the new owners the importance of maintaining the BOSS schedule. I kept in touch with them for the next three years and they never had a problem with the septic system.
Presently I am in the country again in a new to us home and I am again experiencing septic problems (slow draining). I got in touch with Chris at Bio-Safe One yesterday and we came up with a plan to shock this system and bring it back to health. I am anxiously awaiting my order. Thanks Bio-Safe One!
Jason Rogers, Commercial RV/Real Estate Investor - Nebraska
We used the BIO-112 to treat a septic clog and it worked like a champ! We regularly use the Septic solution, and between the 2, our septic system has been kept in very good condition. I HIGHLY recommend the BIO-112 Heavy Sludge Digester, Septic Solution, and the Shock Enhancer. These products are must haves if you have a septic system.
As a bonus, Chris has been super helpful in helping us get it right.
Katrina Gallegos, California
I have been a customer of BioSafeOne for over 10 years (I just looked up my original receipt). I first purchased from them in 2006, before moving into this house (built in the 1930's), because I was new to septic tanks and wanted to learn what they required. I found the information provided by this company so helpful in understanding the proper workings of and potential issues involved with septic systems as a whole. The products I initially purchased: B.O.S.S. individual powder packets for maintenance, BIO 112 liquid heavy sludge digester, when used correctly, prevented problems in my system and kept it functioning well for years. I am back to get help after neglecting proper maintenance for a couple of years now and I know my tank and leach field will be back in top shape in no time. This time around I am using more products from the Biosafe product line to help boost the power of the shock for my terribly sad system. The customer service department has also been extremely easy to work with and not judgmental despite my neglect. Using the BioSafe products as recommended is only one part of the solution. Learning which cleaning and grooming products to use that will not harm your septic system is another part of providing proper care for your entire system. I heartily recommend BioSafe products and the company as a whole. Extremely satisfied, long time customer.

Ben Owens, Georgia
This product is amazing. We have a septic system that was installed in 1979 and the drainfield was failing where we had to pump out every 6-7 months. So I decided to order the boss powder and initially flushed 4 packs down one night followed by 2 per day for 21 days and what a difference the tank level is down at least 6-8 inches where it should be and now everything drains well. Before using boss powder frequent pump outs and the tank level was right up to the top of the tank. Excellent product highly recommend if your having septic problems.
Kathy Bales, Washington
We ordered the Bio Safe 112 to help with our sluggish septic system. The order shipped in the amount of time that was posted on Amazon. When you have a sluggish septic system getting the product as quickly as possible is important. We really liked that the product was easy to use. Chris from Bio Safe emailed instructions on how to best use the product for the issue we were having with our septic system. The instructions were easy to follow. We used the product both inside and outside directly into our septic system. I would highly recommend this product if you are having issues with your septic system or if you just want to avoid having septic issues in the future. Chris in customer service is very knowledgable and can help you decide what products are best for your situation.
Jessie Schnell, Illinois
After a recent disaster with my septic system and drain field, I found out quickly how important product selection is when it comes to maintaining a healthy septic system. What I’ve found is that mostly ALL brand name products that we all know and love are NOT good for the environment and are polluting our soils and bodies with unhealthy chemicals. I am now dedicated to making good choices for the environment and for my family, which all started with Bio-Safe One.
The Bio-Safe One Organic Soap line is the one size fits all! I have purchased THOUSANDS of products on Amazon over years, but this is my very first review because I felt inclined to share my opinion in hopes that it may help someone else. Not only does this soap line offer ingredients that I can clearly identify, but I know I’m not putting anything down my drain that could harm my septic system or the soils beneath our feet. It’s family friendly with clean, fresh scents suitable for men, women or children with a wonder lather! The Prairie Sage is the perfect scent for everyone and highly recommended!
Bottom line; city slicker or country bumpkin, we all have to do our part to maintain our environment and it starts in the home. Start small by changing the soap your family uses and make the switch to Bio-One One Soap line. I know you won’t be disappointed with this purchase!
Carol A., Florida
I would like to say we have been customers with Bio Safe One since 2004. We have had several homes in Georgia, Alabama and Florida and this Product is the best ever.
I use this Product religiously every single month and I would like you all to know we have never had any back up issues in our sinks or toilets in any of the homes.
Our newest home ,which we purchased in November 2019 in Florida was vacant for two years and completely redone inside. The issue I was having anytime someone used two of our three bathrooms left the laundry room smelling foul. But, my hubby said I was the only one complaining about the smell. I had run out of BioSafe so purchased Rid X until I could place my order and say done.
I followed the instructions with the Rid X and thought it must be the toilet leaking. The Master Bathroom is fine. No problems at all. The two guest bathrooms were something else. I took one of them cleaned it again from ceiling to floor, scrubbing the tub, toilet and sink and took a plunger to the sink as the water was going down real slow. It was coming out the back of the sink and it was pretty foul smelling. I kept plunging away and once it was clear figured it was clean and no more odor.
I closed the door and told everybody to us the other bathroom and when the toilet flushed here was that foul odor once again. I cleaned that bathroom from top to bottom and still I could smell it.
I contacted Bio Safe One and the tech that returned my email acknowledged me and said welcome back. This was Chris J. I told him my issue and he said when a septic sits that long and not being used there is a buildup of a tar like substance that smells pretty foul. I said please send me another couple of years order as soon as possible.
I received my order on the 15th of June and that evening before my hubby and I went to bed I put two packets in the Master Toilet. Next morning I walked into the utility room and could not smell anything at all. I walked into the first bathroom that I cleaned and the lid was still down and the bathroom actually smelled super great. I went into the front bathroom after my hubby used it and could not smell anything at all.
So, I walked back to the laundry room where it seemed like several dead animals were living the day before and nothing. I could not believe it. I told my hubby what must have happened as to what Chris had said. I said the black stinky tar must have gotten broke up and now it is totally gone.
I wanted to wait a week before I wrote this testimonial to be sure that this product does work and folks it is the best product ever. Please, try it for yourself. I will never run out again. When I have 6 packs left I will place my order then.. Being that our stuff was in storage and we had lots of boxes to unpack I could not find the few I did have left so Rid X was it.
But now finding out that Rid X does not contain any bacteria that you need in your system to destroy odors and actually remove the tar build up I am hooked. I LOVE BIO SAFE ONE AND WILL USE THIS PRODUCT FOREVER. THANK YOU CHRIS J. FOR THE HELP AND ASSISTANCE AND GETTING THE ORDER OUT TO US AS FAST AS YOU DID.
Dave Kelley
Pollock Pines, CA
“Your product has worked great for me after 12 years ago being told I needed to replace our leech field by 2 local septic companies. I called your company after doing online research and was almost guaranteed it would solve my problem. Well, it did then and I've had no problems since.
Tony M.
Windber, PA
“I built my house in 1986, which included a conventional leach field system.
After approximately 15 years I began to develop a small dampened area in my leach field.
The dampening slowly progressed to having standing surface water in an area 3 feet in diameter.
I could no longer run my lawn tractor near that softened area and had to keep the grass cut with a hand held trimmer.
I 2010 and nearing the inevitable expense of replacing my leach field, I searched the internet for some type of solution and ended up contacting you. And as they say, "The rest is history"
You advised me as to the amount of Bio-Safe One treatment to order, along with precise instructions for it's application.
The first part of your instruction was to have my septic tank pumped. The operator of the pumping truck saw my wet spot, and said the black grease in my septic tank was clogging my leach bed and resulting in the wet area. He said has seen this exact problem in many other septic locations. He said I would need a new leach field installed as others have done. When I told him that I was going to try your Bio-Safe product, he thought I was wasting my money, as he knew of no product that could reverse my problem.
The result was what I had prayed for, as my wet area slowly dried up, became unnoticeable, and continues to this day.
I never miss flushing a monthly packet down the commode, and life is good.
Two years later, a coworker (Tony) was having leach field issues, along with a nasty neighbor that involved the local sewage officer.
Tony was worried that he was going to be forced into installing a new and expensive sewage system
I told Tony to give you guys a call. He bought your product, applied it as instructed, and is now also living the good life.
I realize not everyone's septic problems are the same, but I can tell you that I trust your product and your expertise.
I know for a fact that you saved Tony and I a pile of money, made our system work properly again, and relieved some serious anxiety.”
Amber Fuller and Family
“A few years ago I was quite ill for an entire summer. The only thing that brought relief seemed to be a hot bath. We have a large garden jacuzzi tub in our master bathroom. I took a bath a few times a day (sometimes more) for several months. Thankfully, my health returned but that winter I realized that my illness had taken it's toll on my drain field. It would no longer receive the liquids being pumped from my septic tank. I tried to go easy on our water usage and rest it but all of the local experts told me that once a drain field fails there is no fixing it. We were mortified to have our waste flowing out into our front driveway not to mention the obvious health risks. I admit I was desperate when I stumbled onto Bio-Safe One, Inc. Septic Products. But the explanation of how it works made sense to me. I knew that a bio mat of sorts had built up due to the high volume of liquid and the Bio-112 and the other products Chris told us about were supposed to eat through the sludge. So, we looked at our options which included spending 30K on an adjoining lot so we could put in a new drain field. We decided to take the 4K risk and try the product first. The first few months were hard because I didn't think I was seeing a difference and I had just spent a large sum of money. Chris tried to reassure me but I was nervous. Then, we altered the PVC pipes at the end of the drain field to accept the product directly (we cut off the end and added an elbow and a short piece of pipe and a removable cap). Two weeks later we began to see results. It was like a miracle but I was still holding my breath. A few months later we saw no evidence of any overflow and the rocks in the end ports were dry whenever I checked. It has been a year now and the results have remained. I did alter some of the home cleaning products we used as per Chris' instructions. On three separate occasions when I went out to either check on the situation or to add product, the pump had just kicked on and the fluid was dispensing into the drain field and I was able to catch it on video. I attribute this to divine providence since I had no way of guessing when this would happen (also divine providence that my camera was right inside the door when I frantically ran in to find it). Anyway, the videos are obviously "home videos" but they show the amazing transformation.
You can be horrified with me in the first video:
hopeful with me in the second:
and amazed and grateful with me in the third:
Because I have a small amount of left over product, I add some every few months just for fun. If you are reading this it is likely that you are having issues with your septic system. Let me be the first to say I am sorry. Grrrr...not fun! I hope in a few months your story ends as happily as mine did!
God bless,
Amber Fuller and Family
Alene, Idaho
“Here is what a Bio-Safe One maintained lagoon should look like.
Several years ago my lagoon was always a brown color, and sometimes exhibited a not-so-nice odor.
I treated it with BIO-112 and followed up with Boss treatments on a monthly basis.
I now use one 5 gallon application of BIO-112 once a year, and I have continued with the BOSS treatments in the toilets on a monthly basis.
The results are obvious! Thanks Bio-Safe One!”
The Clarks
We wanted to let you know that our septic fields seem to be working a lot better. Everything flows out of the house fine and seems like the water level in the septic tank and "D" box are staying down. We just have one pkg. of powder left and are to use it the 3rd week of Feb. If everything is still fine we will place an order for some more product.
We are pleased so far with the results. THANKS SO MUCH FOR ALL OF YOUR HELP!!
Sincerly, The Clarks
Robert Smith
Miami, FL
“My septic tank was backed up and I had to hire a pump out truck to clean it out. The person that did it was the owner of the company and honest. He said over 90% of septic tanks that looked like mine would have to be replaced. Thank The Lord, I found out about Bio Safe One. Chris provided expert service, told me the chemicals I had been using were the cause, so I completely changed using the harmful soaps, detergents, and cleaning products. I followed his advice, used his products, and have been blessed by a perfect working system every since which has been over 6 months now. Bio Safe One saved me over $10,000.00 or more as well as time and countless headaches. Chris was honest and his products worked.”

Richard Rosenlof
Mesa, AZ
“We owned a home located in a county island in Mesa AZ. When built in 1965 a septic system was installed. It has the regular sepitc tank and a dry well, ( 40 in in dia drilled 40 ft deep.) Our renters called that the system was backing up. We had the tank pumped and in a short time we would be called again.
On the 3rd pumping we had the service locate the dry well. As the probe under water pressure came near the pit, black gummy material was pushed to the surface. The field was pumped and 25 gals of sulferic acid was dumped in it. as that was the advice the service claimed would fix the problem. WRONG THING TO DO!!! When we contacted Bio-Safe One, they directed what must be done to fix the field. Why go to this expence? The city had placed sewer lines in street and would not allow us to redrill another field. The city charge over $10,000 to run the sewer line to the property line. The cost to connect the property connection from the back of the house to the city sewer line would run an additional $10,000 plus. Total cost around $25,000 to connect a rental home valued under $75,000 to the sewer lines. With the Bio-Safe One treatment the field is now open. The renters have moved and the unit was updated and has sold. Checked the dry field and the water continues to drop. Testing the pit water now has a PH of 7.2 People have asked, "Was it worth the cost?" I an sure if we had not put the acid into the pit we would have had faster results. This works and can save you a lot on money in the long run. Now using Bio-Safe One in the septic system at my mothers home in WI. She lives where the county would not allow her to rebuild the septic system should it fail. Holing tank or a mound system would have to be installed. Again, look at the cost.”
Shae Lynn Saur
Floresville, TX
“Bio-Safe One saved the drain field of my septic system. My septic tank kept back flowing into the house. Just to keep it going we needed monthly pump outs. Professional inspectors told me that my septic system had failed and that I would need to run a new drainfield. I shocked the system with Bio-Safe One and continue monthly maintenance and it's been perfect ever since. Thank you Bio-Safe One, you saved me thousands of dollars!!!”
Bill Leichner
Saginaw, MI
I recently re-ordered the bio-safe monthly septic system treatment. I have used this product every month without fail since 12/03. Note that this was a new build with similarly new septic tank/field. Initially, I put in 2 bags, as instructed, and 1 each month subsequently. To date, I have not had my system pumped. Not once. Never. My neighbors are amazed that my tank has never been pumped. They tell me they add a "similar" product but have not enjoyed my success. I told them that what they were buying is not the same as bio-safe.
Well, that said, I will continue to use bio-safe and convey my story to all who will listen to it.
Bill Leichner
John C
New York City
“We don't have a septic tank, it's just a normal sewer line connected to a city line but it still got clogged up every 4-6 months with sludge and
grease. This is for more than twenty years of homeownership. Every single
time it happened there would be an overflow in the basement and cleaning
that up was tedious not to mention having to snake the sewer line manually
or hiring someone so the bathrooms can be used normally again.
Looking for a solution on the internet and finding your site, I figured to
give the sludge remover and powder a try. There were a lot of testimonials
and although it's meant for a septic tank I figured it would have no
problems with just a residential sewer line since it would be concentrated
After trying it the first few months there were some backups but those would
be attributed to the house not having this done ever on it before. Then,
after about a year of using the BIO-112 Heavy sludge remover and BOSS
powder, when I pick up the trap and look into the sewer line after the usual
3-4 months, I notice the usual grease and sludge are gone. To be sure what was going on in there I had a sewer camera go in to check
and I did notice that although there was some white grease on the walls of
the pipe that it wasn't severe at all. I'll be continuing the powder
treatment with warm water once a month for maintenance. Not having to clean
up the dirty backups and snake a filthy clogged sewer line myself makes life
so much better.”

T Tenski
“I have been using this product when I started to notice my spetic flow was slowing and a odor of sewer smell and water in my yard not
draining off.I added Bio-Safe One in a shock treatment shortly after I did this the smell went away the water in gone and my septic system is working great. I tried others with little or no sucess, keep up the great work.
Leslie Barbour
Sandy Level, VA
“I had a new drain field put in back in 1998. Last year water started
standing over the septic tank along with a foul odor. I had the tank pumped
off a couple of times but always ended up with the same problem. I started
trying to find alternative fixes other than a pumping station or another
drain field and ran across the Bio-Safe web site. Being a little hesitant I
decided to try it because if it worked would save me a lot of money. I
ordered the Boss powder and the Boss-112 liquid. Upon receiving the product
I decided to go ahead and try 4 bags of powder, because it said it would
help with the odor, until I had some time off from work to dig up the
distribution box to add the liquid. In less than 2 weeks the water over the
septic tank was gone and hasn't returned. This is some product. Wish I had
found this before putting in this last drain field. Thanks so much!
Julie Jezek
Orlando, FL
“I had your 36 month supply and it is the greatest
> ceptic cleaner we have used.
Reed Diltz
“Was not sure how to add a testimonial, so will type one here. I
contacted Bio Safe after doing some research on the internet concerning
septic tank problems. I live in Oklahoma on 2 acres and some of the land
has a lots of clay and sand and does not allow for really good drainage of
septic by product.I had water on top of my drain field and on windy days
was a foul smell coming from the area. This was going on for about 2 years and happened usually after heavy rains. I first contacted a plumbing
company and they told me I need to pump out and have the lines blown out
and the cost was going to be estimate of 1550 hundred and would require digging up my yard. I then called Bio One and talked to a rep and he
convinced me to try Product.I must admit it did cost me 1300 dollars for the necessary chemicals to start treatment, however to date I have not had
a problem and we have had the wettest summer on record. I believe in the product now and I also want to say customer satisfaction and service was the best ever. Sincerely, Reed Diltz, Satisifed Customer
Edmund Laclair
Ridge Manor, FL
“This is my second time ordering from your company. I have a 3 year old system now. I have been pleased with your product.
- Thank you. Ed
Mike C
“Hi Chris........here is a note......hope you put a good package together for me....tks...ill call you
......I have a cottage on the beach and it still has the original cesspool. The grease build up...etc.....turned the draining cesspool into a holding tanking........it never leached out at all. After a shock treatment format suggested by Chris......i was stunned when i opened it up after a yr and found it at a MID POINT level in the cesspool. It is obvious that it is working to some degree now and with a continuation of this approach this yr, I for see it back to "good as New".condition.....Thanks....Mike C
Don Litchfield
“I ordered your products (5 gal. liquids,1 box boss powder) for both my septic systems. One system was already working so I just maintained it with a small portion of liquid. One year later when I called the septic guy to pump out the sludge, etc. that was "supposed" to be in the tank, there was none. The septic guy said he was pumping out only water-no scum debris, sludge etc. I know that bio-safe one enzymes cleaned up that septic tank and now the system is still working great. The other septic tank wasn't working for a long time, at least six years and overflowed on to the lawn with fowl smelling effluent. Not only was that part of my lawn stinking, it was like a swamp. It hampered the usage of the pool. This really needed to be cleaned up. So two weeks ago I had it pumped out, then I immediately shocked the septic tank with one case of boss and two gal. liquids. The system is not overflowing anymore and I have no more system backups. The foul odor is gone also. I rejuvenated my septic system and I am very pleased. I don't have to do any expensive repairs that could easily have cost fifteen thousand dollars or more. It was the bio-safe product that rescued my system.
Thank you,
Don Litchfield, NY
PS Both my septic systems are over 75 years old.”
Susan Van Cleave
“This email is intended for Chris, who helped me with my purchases in the past.
Chris, I have been using your product for about 2 years, now. I have used both the liquid and the dry powder packages. I used the liquid to seriously shock my septic system, and have maintained the system with the dry product. When I first started using the BioSafe treatments, my system was on the verge of a major disaster. (I knew I had to do something fast, as I could not afford a major plumbing bill - my husband is disabled, and our income is completely based on his disability.) The drains were getting very sluggish and making odd sounds. The run-off lines were getting blocked from material that would not break down. I noticed a continual odor in the yard. The liquid product cleared up all indications of trouble...in a matter of days!! All the visible lines were perfectly clean and clear. I was so pleasantly surprised. I have been using the dry product to keep my system running the way it should. I still check all the lines, but I never find a problem. I use extra product when I know I will have more people in my house that the usual family members. As a matter of fact, when Katrina hit New Orleans, I had 2 extra families that took refuge at my house. That was 8 extra people. But, thanks to BioSafe, my septic system was worry-free. Believe me, that really means a lot, especially during times when you really need all the household plumbing functioning properly!
Thanks, again, for all your help. I appreciate the extra effort and attention each time we talk!”
John Franklin,III
Orange, Va
“Hello Bio-Safe, I just wanted to compliment you on your incredible products. Two years ago we moved from city out to the country. We knew nothing about septic systems--- so we attributed the occasional outside odor to "country air". After talking with a neighbor, he suggested having our tank pumped (didn't even know we had a tank). After having the tank pumped we still had the odor on occasion. We tried Rid-X, and a few other products which had no effect. I went on-line to find out how septic systems worked and came across your products. We did the mild shock on our system and within 2 days the odor was gone. It's been almost 2 weeks and still the smell is Null and Void. Now we really can enjoy the "country air" thanks to Bio-Safe One.”
Danny Dixon
Louisburg , North Carolina
“OK Bill....I have waited for several months just to be sure what was going to happen before I wrote you to let you know if Bio-safe One corrected my septic problems. Drum roll please.....AND IT DID! You could push be over with a feather....your products actually work!!
As you recall, my septic system was built in the early 70's. We purchased the house three years ago and I have had to have the septic pumped every year… Around July. Well… this year...around July the symptoms began...and I was desperate to have something done. My lot is VERY WOODED and on a steep grade and to top that, we can't locate the drain field...so any additional drain system would be VERY EXPENSIVE! I had spoken to a septic person and he said it would be very expensive to fix.
I am so glad I stumbled upon your products on the web. To be honest...although you appeared to be an honest and very nice guy, I really thought you were going to take my money and I'd still have my problem to fix. I had tried other products from Lowe's and Home Depot....I might as well have burned the money for the good they did! But I followed your instructions on shocking my system and have begun my monthly maintenance. Here it is November and the gurgling has gone, the toilets all flush, the washing machine doesn't spill over onto the floor. My daughter even brought her boyfriend home from college and we did ALL THEIR LAUNDRY....and still the septic system shows no signs of stress. THANK YOU!!
Bill… Please talk to your company about more visible advertising... this product needs to get into ever persons hands that has a septic tank. You have saved me thousands of dollars... money I can really use since my daughter just announced her engagement!
Thanks again for your honesty, swift delivery and for being there to answer all my nit picky questions! Please feel free to use me as reference for others that may want to talk to someone who has used your products before they make the decision to purchase them. I'm just amazed and would love to share my success with others.
Take care, Bill...”
Rick Chambers
"Hello Bio-Safe, I am truly amazed! I had a septic back-up at the tank, where about 6 inches of tank water rose up over the hatches and into a rectangular box frame around the hatch access. I and my family cut water usage drastically and saw some reduction in level of surface water, but it went right back up again as we started to use more water. I thought I was getting some leaching but not much at all. I was told by my pumping company who inspected my system that the leach field has failed and that I was facing huge repair costs of over 30 thousand dollars to replace leach field. I tried about 8 quarts of a product to revive failing fields called D-57 and I'm not sure of the manufacturer but I bought at my hardware store. I gave it 2-3 weeks to see if it would help but nothing happened. Then I found your website and read about your products. I called and talked to Bill who advised me and I placed the order for a box of BOSS powder and a several buckets of the BIO-112 liquid. I shocked my system with three of the 5 gallon pails of the liquid and about 4 bags of powder through the drains and toilets. I also put 6 bags directly into the D-box. I couldn't believe that in 24 hours all the overflow on the tank was drained and with showers and laundry and dishes being done there is no sign of overflow!!!!!!!!! I still continue to use Bio-112 and BOSS to further rejuvenate my leach field on a regular basis. I told Bill that if this worked I would write you my story so here it is! Thank you so much!"
Charlie Sutherland
Mayodan , NC
I had to wait for a while to be sure your bugs are actually working.
As you might recall, we could not find our septic tank, but at or near a distribution box, lots of foul smelling water was coming out of the ground and painting the ground where it flowed a nice shade of shiny black. The real problem was our "family essence" was flowing into No. 10 fairway which had only recently beautifully stretched over 500 yards behind our house. Our biohazard fountain science experiment was placed perfectly at the end of a 250 yard gentle hook - just over the cart path where the gentle ebony flow could make its way several yards down the path and finally into the fairway. The sort of hazard we provided was nowhere to be found in any rule book. Some members were beginning to rightfully complain that they couldn't decide how or where or even whether they were to get a free drop. There are some places where you really don't want to take a divot. Something had to be done.... Quick.
We did discover a leaky toilet, but it was a slow leak and couldn't account for all the stuff coming out of the ground.
We dumped a ton of your bugs, both liquid and powder, in each of our four toilets and waited two days. After two days, the water stopped flowing out of the ground and the soil around the erstwhile fountain became much drier.
We went to the beach for a week, and when we returned, the ground had just about completely dried. In another week, water began very slowly coming out of the proper chlorinated overflow at the end of our sand trap. (Our lot doesn't perk well) The fountain was no more and the soil was getting progressively drier. The black is gone, and there is no more smell. The fairway is once again beautiful, and divots are once more acceptable.
We are just about to put in another shot of your bug stuff. What do you recommend? Another giant shock or just the monthly dose? We have a couple of slow sink drains, so we may put it in these instead of the toilets.
Thanks a lot! Seems like you and your bugs have saved the day.... FORE!”

Laura Colgate
“Guess what? I received the Bio-Safe Product last Friday 4/23 as promised. Remember I was desperate to get it by Friday Express Delivery... I was desperate!!! At 3pm I shocked my system, and said a prayer.
Both toilets would not flush, the shower was overflowing, as well as the sink in the kitchen. I had 3 professionals come out a few days prior and tell me that the tank was full, and they could do nothing but dig it up and pump it, or replace the system. I logged on line and looked at all of the available products as a last resort to the alternatives listed above. When I talked to you on the phone about Bio-112 product, it was clear I needed to try this before digging up the lawn. After I shocked the system it took quite a while to get all of the products down, as everything was completely backed up. By Saturday evening the next day I was really surprised that the system was clearing up and I could run the water, take a shower, and flush the toilets again. It truly was a miracle! It has been four days since I applied the products and still no problems. I am very happy. Thank you for the time you spent on the phone explaining how this product works.”
James Dennis Patrick Allowyshes Crowley
“I recently moved back to my parents’ home, they live in the country, the house & septic system was built in 1954. When the house was full of people (9 children & 2 adults), the septic system worked fine. My parents have lived alone for approximately 10 years now. In December of 2003 I moved back, and every time we flushed the toilet, the sinks would gurgle, if you did a load of laundry, the drain cycle would make water come up through the basement floor drains. My Father doesn't remember "Ever" having the system pumped. It was a bad deal, we were told by a professional that not only did the tank need pumping, but we also needed a totally new drain (leach/Lateral lines) system put in. Besides not being affordable ($8,000.00 was the quoted price) it was mid winter in Minnesota and it was 27º below zero, the system could not be repaired until spring. I made the order for the "Bio-Safe 1" products and applied them to my system which now works perfectly normal. We can wash clothes all day, while showering and flushing toilets. Thank You Bio-Safe One”
Bob Nelson, Adin, CA (Rancher)
"All my life, I had septic systems and never had any troubles... Then I put in a new system... at the end of 10 years, all of a sudden it wouldn't take water anymore... and fluid would not go out...Our house was full of sewage... it got so bad the toilet wouldn't flush.
I dug it up and the walls inside the leach lines and trenches were covered with black scum... I thought for sure I'd have to tear down my leach lines and that additives such as yours were a waste of time and money, and not worth it...but now I m a believer.
We bought a bunch of your Bio-Safe products and put it into the septic system and what do you know! It opened up and cleaned out the trenches and leach lines... It cleaned out the scum so it wouldn't go into the soil! It has been 15 years now and water has been moving out ever since."
Kevin Storey
“I am so glad that I found your products. I was having odors in the house and in the yard. I shocked my septic tank with your Bio112 and in only 3 days the odor is gone and the toilets are flushing normal again. I must admit I was a little leery of the product at first but I am going to use this product from now on.”
“Hi Bill, Well we received the bio112 liquid and BOSS products and followed your instructions on shocking the system. So far everything is doing fine!!! The gurgle that we had in the kitchen sink has stopped, and the toilets flush much better. THANKS!”
Katie Haelcher, Odem, TX
"Water was coming up like bubbles up through my lawn ...and the toilet wouldn't flush. I started pouring liquid and six bags of your product down into the toilet and within only three days... my system cleared and I've been using your products faithfully ever since."
Vicky T., Manhasset, NY
"I had my tank pumped two weeks ago and the next day there was seepage... The lateral lines had holes clogged real bad with dirt and scum... After flushing liquid and one bag once a week for eight weeks, Bio-Safe Septic completely reversed the clogging and seepage.
I'm so lucky to have a friend recommend you."
Anna Anable, Dublin, NH
"I have one modern john in my house that is very temperamental and sluggish...Any time I used more than 3 sheets of paper, ...I had to use a plunger...I read your instructions favorably and put in a bag of boss. It gurgled and went down without my help.
Ever since, my john has not gone into its old phase and is flushing properly. I can’t believe it’s a coincidence, since I had this problem for several years before I used Bio-Safe."
Keith Kendall, Valdez, AK
"I always thought that products such as yours were a waste of time and money, until all of a sudden my septic system failed completely.
I didn't think it would work... or that it was worth trying but I was desperate. Ever since I’ve used it, Bio-Safe saved my system and saved me thousands of dollars... now I know it's not a waste of time or money.”
Mark Brendlinger, PA
“My system was failing and my neighbor told me about your products and your company. I purchased your heavy sludge digester's pails and 2 orders of your packets and used them according to your technician. Right now I am in my last week of the shocking stage and I've seen a 100% difference and my system is no longer failing. Thank you for your product. There is no question that it works.”
Steve, CA
“Hi Bill, Well we received the BioSafe and did what you said on shocking the system and so far everything is doing fine!!!
The gurgle that we had in the kitchen sink has stopped, and the toilets flush much better. I have a question for you. I take it all sales are from you guys back east, what are the possibilities of having a distributor here in the west coast? I would very much like to try to sell your products out here. Thanks”
Troy Nolen
“When I ordered your product I was very skeptical. I was told my washer line was bad and would have to be replaced. I had a black, foul smelling puddle in my back yard. I have a 1 acre lot and it got so bad that I could not mow about 1/5 of my back yard. I had several estimates and was looking at a huge bill of over 18,000 to replace the lines. I decided to try Bio-Safe as a last resort. Within less than a month my yard had completely dried up. Now many months later it is still dry! I'm totally sold on your product. Thanks so much!!”
Dr. Clark and family
“We wanted to let you know that our septic fields seem to be working a lot better. Everything flows out of the house fine and seems like the water level in the septic tank and "D" box are staying down. We are out of liquid and we just have one pkg. of powder left. We are in the 3rd week of Feb., everything is still fine. We will definitely place an order for some more products soon.”
C. Andino, Northeast Ohio
“My husband and I recently ordered Bio-Safe One in hopes that it would not only solve the problems we were having with our septic lines, but would also save us money over the more conventional approach of digging new lines. We were a little skeptical about the potential results at first. We live in an area where the soil is predominantly clay. Drainage is always a problem. Before ordering we spoke with some other users of Bio-Safe One who had similar or even worse septic problems than we were having. They all raved about their results with your products. We received the product and followed the instructions to “shock” our septic lines. The first thing we noticed literally within two days was the disappearance of odor. We had standing water in our front yard and the offensive smell was sometimes overwhelming. Then we began to notice the amount of standing water slowly, but steadily drying up. We were cautiously optimistic at this point. Each day brought more improvement. It’s been four weeks now since we started the process and there’s no smell, no standing water and no noxious “black” goop! We’re absolutely elated with the results. Bio-Safe One saved us thousands of dollars and was very easy to use. We would recommend the product highly.”
David R Baker
“Chris, I talked to you about 2 years ago. I was having problems with my septic system that had been there since 1980. I shocked the system with 11 five gallon pails of the BIO-112 shock treatment and have the tenant putting in a bag a month of the powder. I would like to thank you folks! It saved me about $10,000 because where I live if you fields go bad they make you re perk the land. Thanks to your products the tank is empty and the folks who usually pump it cannot believe the fields are open. I really got the feeling they think I dug it up on the sly and replaced it. That is not the case - thank you.”
Tony Boyle, MI
“I just wanted to take a moment to write you about your products and our experience with them. We had our septic tank pumped out 3 times in the last 4 months to only find out that our drain field was not working at all. We were told by our local contractors that we would need a new drain field (very expensive, smelly and messy). Then we heard about your company and that you might be able to help. Well, I was very skeptical about the claims your website was making about fixing drain fields and septic systems. So I called your company and spoke with Chris, your technician, and he was very helpful and answered all of my questions and explained to me how your products worked and what they should be able to do for me and my drain field problems. After talking it over with my wife, we decided to give your products a try. We did not want to dig up our yard and deal with all the mess involved with a new drain field if we didn't have to.
We purchased alot of buckets of Bio-112 and a 3 year supply of B.O.S.S. We followed the directions given to us and were totally amazed at what happened. We gave our system the initial shock treatment Chris told us about and were careful not to put the wrong items down the drain and not over use the drain field for a couple of weeks. After 3-4 weeks we decided to try out our septic system and drain field full blast. We did laundry, took showers, ran the dish washer and used the bathroom as we normally would. WE DID NOT HAVE ONE BACKUP OR ANY TROUBLE AT ALL!! We couldn't believe what was happening. The 30 year old drain field was working like new and there wasn't even a girgle coming out to the drains. THIS STUFF IS AMAZING AND IT WORKS AS STATED!!
Once again, I would just like to say thank you for educating me about my septic system and drain field and providing products that fix the problem as you advertise. I am a true believer of your products and endorse them fully!!
Your very satisfied customer”
Jonette Higgins, Warwick, Rhode Island
“Bio-Safe One, I wanted to write and tell you how pleased I have been with the Bio-Safe One products that I have purchased. I was desperate to find help for my septic system. I was troubled for years and it got much worse. There was backup in the yard around the tank, and gurgles at the tub and sinks and toilet. My neighbors complained of the odor in my yard. I needed it pumped every month or so. They told me the system had failed and that I needed a new one installed. I searched the internet and found Bio-Safe One, and this site gave me hope that I could get results without installing a new septic system. I then called and spoke with Chris, who explained everything to me, and so I purchased the 11 pails of liquid and the bags of powder he recommended. I followed all his directions and the results were amazing! My house and septic system was built in 1951. I am grateful now that everything is working better than ever. I'll continue with just the monthly maintenance of flushing one bag down the toilet.
I'll be forever thankful.”
William Carlin, Reno, Nevada
“When we moved into our house in June of 2004 we had no idea we'd inherited a broken septic system. By September 2004 we were experiencing backing up and clogging many times a week. We couldn't use the bathroom or take a shower without first checking the overflow pipe to see if it was showing signs of a backup. Eventually I learned how to tell if the pipe had backed up water in it by hitting the top of the overflow pipe with a wrench - the sound of the "clank" was different if there was standing water in the pipe.
Initially we cleared the clogs by putting an attachment on a hose that expands when the water is turned on - it's called a Drain King - we snaked the hose with the Drain King attached to the end down the overflow pipe and turned the water on. The Drain King expands to seal the pipe and shoots a high pressure stream of water forward to build up pressure forcing the clog to clear.
In the middle of September 2004 we hired a professional septic company to evaluate the septic system. They pumped out the tank, cleaned it, and applied a shock treatment of CCLS to the leach field. The representative said if this doesn't fix the problem, we'd have to install a new leach field and it would cost fifteen thousand dollars or more.
After pumping, we followed the septic company's directions religiously, putting CCLS (the product they recommended) in the toilets every month. The clogs and backups stopped for about nine or ten months - well we did have a clog or a backup once in while - but just about the time we stopped expecting them, they started occurring again. By November 2005 we started experiencing clogs once a week until we were back to two or three times a week. We were terribly disappointed and didn't have the ability to raise tens of thousands of dollars to replace the septic.
As I used the Internet to learn more about septic systems, I stumbled across the Bio-Safe One web site. At first, I didn't believe the hyperbole on the site and Bio-One Safe is expensive. Other product's websites pretty much said the same thing and their products were not quite as expensive. However, by February, 2006 I was getting desperate for a solution and over the objections from friends and family, spent a thousand dollars for Bio-Safe One – 5 gallon cans of liquid and a three year supply of powder. We applied this treatment in the middle of February 2006. During the next month we continued to experience the same frequency of backups and clogs, sometimes everyday. I became very aggressive with the powder - putting three bags a week in the toilets and then......suddenly.....the backups and clogs stopped.....I gradually reduced the number of bags to one bag every two weeks - which is the frequency I use now.
As of this writing, April, 2007, we haven't had one backup or clog since March 2006, and we don't expect them anymore. Bio-Safe One is worth the cost and the effort. It rescued our 30 year old septic system and saved us tens of thousands of dollars.
Thank you Bio-Safe One!!
If you have septic problems, I strongly recommend you use this product - it works!”
JF in Ohio
“About 2 years ago, water was bubbling up in my yard from the top of my septic tank. I had the septic tank pumped out. He said there were no problems with the septic tank. The problem was in my 30 year old leach field which was full of sludge. Everyone told me I would need a new leach field - a very costly solution. I got on the internet, talked with a representative from your company who was quite helpful, and ordered your product. In about 2 weeks after using the product, water was flowing again and I've had no problems since - what a wonderful product! Thank you Bio-Safe!”
Gary and Tori Tobin Rutland , VT
“Once again, I am ordering your Bio-Safe One products, along with the free packages and Free shipping! You guys saved our life 2 years ago with these products as we along as others who have written were at wits end with bubbling leach fields. So thank goodness I investigated the internet, found you and ordered! We shocked, we won and have continued to have a safe leach field, and no problems for over 2 years. I must however remind people to continue to use your product each and every month as we do. We used to have our septic pumped every 2 years (there is only 2 of us) and even our septic guys can't believe what your product did! So for maintenance, we continue as spending what we do per year, is far less than a whole new septic system. Thanks again!”
R. Lang, Northport, New York
“Dear Bio-Safe One, I tried every product under the sun to help my failing cesspool. My house is 50 yrs old and I had been having the cesspool pumped every year when it filled up. It got to the point where the pump outs went from every 6 months to every month. Finally I found Bio-Safe One on the internet and called to order their product. The sales person, Chris, was very helpful and knowledgeable. He helped me order the right products for my cesspool failure. I purchased many pails of the BIO-112 liquid heavy sludge digester and the powered products. That was 8 months ago and I now I have no cesspool problems. I did not have to put a new cesspool in and rip up my landscaping and brick patio. This product works! Please feel free to contact me by email if you have any doubts.”
Tonya Washington
“I found out about BOSS on the internet while searching for something totally unrelated. I scoured your website, which was very informative and the testimonials seemed too good. I've lived in my home for 10-1/2 years and have never had a problem with my septic tank. I had been using Roebek for septic tanks once per year, as recommended by a dear neighbor. It was confusing to evaluate the many products and their applications of once per week, month or year. However, I've witnessed two neighbors replace theirs, which made me think about preventative measures, since replacement cost is steep. Although I did not experience problems, I did have to plunge the toilets on occasion. I have 3 of them and one was particularly troublesome. Anyway, I ordered the 3-year supply by phone so I could ask some questions, and anxiously awaited the delivery. Before I went to bed for the night I shocked the system as directed and anticipated the results the next day. All I can say is WOW, WHAT A PRODUCT!! That was the best $199 I ever spent. And I was about to have my tank pumped for the second time in January. I never imagined that it was unnecessary [with proper maintenance]; I was conditioned to believe that septic tanks had to be pumped every 3-5 years. No more toilet plunging; and the particularly troublesome toilet has NEVER flushed better. Thank you so much. BOSS is a fantastic product that is very reasonably priced for the benefits. I've been raving about it to my friends and family. “
Ron McCormick North Central TX
Wanted BIO-Safe to know, we are some 16 Months after the treatment and out septic system is still working well.
If you will recall, due to my chlorine injection system on my water well failing, all my bacterial in my septic system had been killed and my leach field had completely quit taking liquid and the biomat had build up to a thickness of 6 inches all around my leach panels see photo.

As you suggested, we injected a diluted container of Bio-112 into each run of the leach panels and in about 10 days, our leach field was working again. We continue to use Bio-safe granules monthly to maintain the system. We have not, nor do we intend to put our water softener back in service, as I am sure that was part of the problem.
We will not hesitate to recommend Bio-safe products should the occasion arise.
Thank you for your help.
