Why should I maintain my Grease Trap Clean? Download brochure by clicking here
Fat, oil and grease (FOG) can clog waste-water collection and treatment systems, grease traps, septic tanks and holding tanks causing sewage spills, manhole overflows, property damage, environmental problems, and health hazards. Animal and vegetable based oil and grease, generated by restaurants and fast-food outlets that do not adequately treat their waste, are the main contributors to these problems.
For restaurants producing grease, adequate grease control is a must. The accumulation of FOG can not only cause physical damage to the waste-water system, but can be a health hazard. Particulate matter in the form of sewage, spoiled food, mold, bacteria and other material, which can be hazardous to the health of restaurant patrons can accumulate and be dispersed in the air when FOG is not properly treated. Air-conditioning systems can and will circulate unwanted particulate matter from untreated FOG. Untreated FOG can also attract pests, such as roaches, mice, and rats. Ultimately the accumulation of untreated FOG can lead to health code enforcement violations.
Bio-Safe One, Inc provides an easy, affordable, environmentally friendly, and effective way to treat FOG. We use a scientifically advanced formula of trillions bacteria and enzymes to treat FOG in your restaurant, grease traps, and waste-water systems. Our formula of laboratory cultivated bacteria and enzymes actually digest FOG, and sewage, to clean your system. There is no other treatment on the market which is as effective as ours at decontaminating, and treating your system.
Benefits of using Bio-Safe One, Inc to treat your waste-collection system:
• Safer, cleaner and more healthy work and food environment
• Save money on disposal of FOG
• Save on maintenance/replacement costs for your
• waste-collection and grease trap systems
• Avoid health code violations
• Use patented technology developed by the same
• scientists who helped clean the Exxon Valdez oil-spill.
• Reduce backups
• Eliminate odors
• Maintain clean air circulation
• Eliminate air and food born illness
• Reduce or eliminate pumping costs